
This page is to promote the books my wife and I have written.  They can be purchased either in print or electronic form.

Chosen One

New cover

Ben just wanted to hike around the world.  He didn’t want to save it, He didn’t particularly like it.  The only problem with that is he is not just some unmotivated guy.  He is a were-dragon and the Chosen One.  Chosen for what?  Chosen to save the world!

Gods From the Shelter

Shelter eCover

Everyone lives below ground, and has for the last one hundred fifty years.  Joshua is chosen to go to the surface to see if the world is habitable again.  What he finds is a whole new way of life. The world is not like he was taught and neither is God.  In fact, maybe he is God.

The 7 Universal Laws Of Life

Are there laws that regulate life?  Are there ways to make your life better than it is?  The laws are older than time!  Learn to change your life and turn it into the life you always wanted.

Also available in kindle