Breasts, Tits, My God, They’re Everywhere!

This isn’t something I would normally write about because the subject is a non-subject to me, but then again, I guess not.  It’s about breasts, you know, tits.

My wife came home from work yesterday and said she was disappointed in a friend at work.  I asked why and she told me that the friend had gone to the break room and a girl who just had a baby was breast feeding the infant right there in the break room, in front of God and everybody!  The friend and some others were having a good laugh over this girl’s lack of propriety.

Now I may be wrong, but isn’t the main function of the female breast to feed infants?  So why the big deal.  Oh, I know, no one knew or understood that this young woman had breasts.  Those lumps on her shirt were just fashion statements.

I know my view is jaded.  I’m one of those people who like to run around naked and see other people, even those of the opposite gender, in the same condition.  Being a pervert, I would see nothing wrong with a woman breastfeeding in public.  Anyone with reasonable sense would know that this woman should have taken her baby into some filthy bathroom stall, you know, the one with poop all on the back of the toilet, where she couldn’t be seen.

What the hell is wrong with people?  The human body is not something disgusting.  As a naturist, I have seen breasts of all shapes and sizes.  I never once thought they were disgusting, well maybe on some of the fat guys.  Naturists understand that the body is beautiful.  Sure, some are in a hell of a lot better shape than others, but that doesn’t mean the person is bad or disgusting.

This young mother was doing what is right for her child.  She was giving it the best nutrient she could give.  She was doing the right thing and these narrow minded prudes were putting her down for it!

Don’t ask me who the disgusting ones were.


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